21 April 2022 – 22 April 2022
The power of networking and of collective ambition is proven every day. Having access to peers’ advices and experiences, at a moment in which each city needs to face emergency and long-term massive challenges, at a time when every city is more determined than ever to ensure a liveable and desirable future to its citizens, being part of a dedicated and strong community of local leaders is more precious than ever.
This is what we want to focus on, to strengthen more and more. “Let’s keep our links” is our motto for 2022 and is the theme of our Annual Forum.
For the 50th Anniversary of the Club of Rome’s famous Limits to growth, we will host debates with key EU leaders: we count on our member cities to showcase their commitments to a future-proofed Europe! We want our community to be open, to ensure that smaller cities and cities in neighbouring countries have access to the same collective wisdom. We want to reinforce all cities networks and our partners. There is so much to be done! So much to share!