MAKING-CITY has links with a number of Horizon 2020 projects in the field of energy, Smart Cities Initiatives, Projects and Networks, and the Covenant of Mayors Office.
Atelier H2020 is a smart city project with a focus on AmsTErdam and BiLbao cItizen drivEn smaRt cities and the goal to create more Positive Energy Districts.
MAtchUP is a EU-funded Smart City project standing for MAximizing the UPscaling and replication potential of high level urban transformation strategies.
REMOURBAN is a H2020 focusing on demonstrate the potential of the urban regeneration model in the energy, mobility and ICT sectors.
Sharing Cities is a H2020 project dedicated to provide ground for a better, common approach to making smart cities a reality.
Triangulum is a H2020 project which aims at demonstrating, disseminating and replicating solutions and frameworks for Europe’s future smart cites.
+CityxChange (Positive City ExChange) is a H2020 smart city project focusing on how to become leading cities integrating smart positive energy solutions.
mySMARTLife is a H2020 project which aims at making sustainable cities with smart people and a smart economy a reality.
Ruggedised is a H2020 project which will test, implement and accelerate the smart city model across Europe.
SPARCS gathers more than 30 partners involving close to 100 people working towards the common goal of creating a network of Sustainable energy Positive & zero cARbon CommunitieS.
GrowSmarter is a H2020 project bringing together cities and industry to integrate and demonstrate ‘12 smart city solutions’ in energy, infrastructure and transport.
POCITYF is a H2020 project dedicated to delivering Positive Energy Districts in mixed urban areas in the cities of Évora, Alkmaar, Granada, Bari, Celje, Ujpest, Ioannina & Hvidovre.
SmartEnCity is a H2020 project dedicated to develop a systemic approach for transforming European cities into sustainable, smart and resource-efficient environments.
Stardust is a H2020 project which brings together advanced European cities, thus forming into a constellation of “innovation islands”.
IRIS is a H2020 EU-funded project focusing on how accelerate entire communities to adopt ambitious energy, mobility and ICT initiatives.
Standing for REnaissance of PLaces with Innovative Citizenship And TEchnologies, REPLICATE aims to deploy integrated energy, mobility and ICT solutions in city districts.
Smart Together is a H2020 project which will prepare the ground for large-scale replication and ensure an in-depth knowledge transfer of smart and innovative solutions for a better life in urban districts.
Syn.ikia is a H2020 project which aims to speed up the development of Plus Energy Houses through the integrated design of buildings and sustainable energy and cost efficient solutions.
AREA 21 seeks to model energy efficient urban areas of the future, adopting collaborative stakeholder engagement processes in the strategic planning and implementation of energy solutions.
FlexiGrow wants to determine the ideal circumstances for two new energy systems at a neighborhood level: micro-CHP and electric heat pumps.
PENTAGON aims at paving the way for eco-districts, leveraging on enhanced energy conversion systems and a high level integrated management platform acting on energy carriers (thermal, gas and electric).
The CITyFiED project developed a strategy to adapt cities and urban ecosystems into the smart city of the future.
This project focuses on the Kadıköy Municipality’s efforts to mitigate climate change with the active involvement of the staff of the Kadıköy Municipality and its residents.
R2Cities seeks to develop and demonstrate replicable strategies for designing, constructing and managing large scale district renovation projects for achieving nearly zero energy cities.
As a H2020 project, CITYkeys developed and validated smart city performance measurement systems.
The BhENEFIT project focuses on improving the management of historic built areas, combining the daily maintenance of historic heritage with its preservation and valorisation in a sustainable way.
RESCA is a Finnish climate and environmental project standing for Renewable Energy Solutions in City Areas.
This research project focuses on innovation that enhance and empower citizens, grant them more autonomy and influence in shaping their own energy use and supply as part of a sustainable society.
The LowUP project will contribute to achieving Europe’s GHG reduction targets, reducing both CO2 emissions and primary energy consumption.
This H2020 project aims at developing, applying and validating a methodology for Renaturing Urban Plans to mitigate the effects of climate change and improve air quality.
The Smart Cities Marketplace is an initiative for those looking for inspiration, knowledge-exchange or investment to deliver smart city solutions areas of ICT, energy or transport & mobility.
The main purpose of this project is to conceptualise a decarbonised energy network by 2050, in a Northern Finland setting.
The Urban Agenda for the EU addresses issues in cities through partnerships established between the EU, governments, local authorities and non-governmental organisations.