29 September 2020
Since 2016, the lighthouse cities of Lisbon, London and Milan have implemented several smart city measures in the framework of the project Sharing Cities. Based on that knowledge and technical experience, Sharing Cities is launching a series of short webinars to explore each of those measures one by one: digital social market, e-bikes, building retrofit, sustainable energy management system, smart lampposts, e-mobility, and urban sharing platform. Each measure is also supported by a smart booklet and playbook which go into greater detail on how to replicate and scale-up in your city.
Starting in June, each of these webinars will present the implementation of one smart city solution through two case studies from lighthouse cities. After the presentations, all participants are invited to join the discussion, ask questions and share their experiences.
What is a smart lamppost?
A smart lamppost is a lamppost that uses Light Emitting Diodes (LED) and that also includes applications such as WiFi, air quality and parking sensors, video cameras for public security, and electric vehicle (EV) charging. They can also be used by telecom operators as existing infrastructure for next generation mobile networks. The well-proven lighting and maintenance savings of the smart lamppost offer an attractive bankable initiative. The smart lamppost also presents a proven and visible ‘quick win’ for smart cities, and involves relatively mature de-risked technologies.