Webinar on open data for smarter cities
29 October 2020
Here is what you can expect:
- To introduce the concept of smart open data centres and related good practices from across Europe
- To raise awareness about the importance and opportunities related to making data on public infrastructures like energy and transport public
- To enable Interreg Europe project participants as well as other local policymakers to exchange knowledge and good pratices on the topic
Topics and speakers
- Alessandra Barbieri, from the Municipality of Florence and Sergio Gatteschi, from the regional resource recovery agency of Tuscany (EMPOWER and REBUS project), will present the Florence Smart City Control Room.
- Jiri Stich, advisor to the Usti Region in charge of Smart Region concept, will present Usti Region Open Data Hub PORTABO.
- Hugo Niesing, advisor to the City of Arnhem, Resourcefully (CleanMobilEnergy project) will present the Integrated Energy Management System for smarter cities. An example of a low-carbon innovation made possible through opening public data on energy and mobility.