SmartCitiesWorld talks to Piero Pelizzaro, Chief Resilience Officer of Milan, about the city’s digital transition, urban forests and the ongoing woes of a football fan.
Milan’s plans to broaden its environmentally friendly approach to reinventing the city has been derailed by the coronavirus crisis, especially given how Italy was one of the city’s most heavily hit during the first wave. However, it is keen to move forward and use smart city technology to improve citizens’ ways of life.
SmartCitiesWorld: What is the main purpose of your role?
Piero Pelizzaro: As Chief Resilience Officer we normally try to overcome barriers or fringes set by the municipality, attempting to make the different departments work together on the same goals. Specifically, we focus our activities on climate change, climate change adaptation and on the Recovery Fund. Luckily, our work is more concentrated on the future than on the present, so we also contribute to the master plan of the city. Our main goal is to prepare the city for the future shocks or potential stresses that might arise, and designing, together with the other colleagues, the vision and the development of the city.
Read the full article published by SMARTCITIESWORLD