EXPERT TALKS is a new initiative from BUILD UP. In the form of face-to-face interviews, experts coming from all around Europe and covering the field of Energy Efficiency in buildings from different perspectives will share their views, experience and expertise with BUILD UP audience. The interview addresses relevant topics linked to the Topic of the Month.
For the 9th edition of the Build Up Expert Talks, the invited interviewee was Ursula Hartenberger, member of a series of international sustainable-development and responsible-investment platforms and sustainable finance expert with a track record of initiating and managing research, capacity-building and awareness-raising projects at organisational as well as at the value chain stakeholder level.
Notable projects in which she has participated are the EU funded RenoValue – a capacity-building project aimed at skills and knowledge development amongst valuation professionals – and the EeMAP, the Energy-efficient Mortgage Action Plan which developed parameters and tools for green mortgage lending.
Watch the full INTERVIEW