The first sustainable demo house in Groningen's Paddepoel neighborhood has been launched!

2021-02-09 Still filmpje zuiderkruislaan

GRONINGEN –A fossil-free future is drawing closer in the city of Groningen (Netherlands). In Positive Energy District Paddepoel, the first of three sustainable demo houses was equipped with an innovative heat pump and heat recovery. Residents of the existing demo houses share their experiences with other Paddepoelers, and with researchers from all over Europe. The Paddepoelster houses serve as pioneering examples in the MAKING-CITY project. The residents are very satisfied with their new installation.

satisfied with the innovative heat pump
The installation consists of a highly efficient air-water heat pump in combination with a heat recovery system. The latter system extracts used air and blows clean air back into the house. The heat from the extracted air is used to pre-heat the fresh air from outside via a heat exchanger This saves heating costs. The next step is to install solar panels. Given the northern location of the sloping roof, a sunny spot in the garden will serve as an alternative. A canopy with bifacial solar panel sides seems an attractive option.
video documenting sustainable make-over

Want to know more about sustainable demo houses and MAKING-CITY? There is an informative video featured on Facebook where the installation at the Zuiderkruislaan is explained and resident Marieke explains why the family participates in the project.

making-city lighthouse city groningen

The residents of the demo house on Zuiderkruislaan signed up in the summer of 2018 to participate in the EU project MAKING-CITY. In that project, the municipality of lighthouse city Groningen is working on two PEDs: Positive Energy Districts, districts that locally generate more energy than they consume. Paddepoel has been chosen as one of these districts in which three houses will be given a total sustainable makeover. Groningen is thus an example for other European cities. The other lighthouse city is Oulu in Finland. In Groningen, the collaborating parties Municipality of Groningen, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, University of Groningen, New Energy Coalition, Housing Association Nijestee, TNO, CGI, Waarborg Vastgoed, WarmteStad, Sustainable Buildings and energy cooperative Grunneger Power are partners in MAKING-CITY.

wall board and sidewalk tile

For people in Groningen who want to know where the demo houses are; they can be identified by the wall sign and the white paving stone in front of the door, with the MAKING CITY! logo.

Resident Marieke explains in the video how their demo house on Zuiderkruislaan was made natural gas free.

Groningens MAKING-CITY Project Coordinator and Project Secretary join forces to mark the first step in the start of the retrofitting of three terraced houses in PEDNorth Paddepoel: for each demohouse a mix of innovative and conventional techniques was selected to make the household energy positive.

© Grunneger Power


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