With many people spending more time than usual in their homes this year, how can the environmental cost of heating them be reduced? When it comes to heating, retiree Lucy…
MAKING-CITY related news
Mandatory renovations for city-owned buildings and numerous lobbying wins makes for ambitious proposal. The Renovation Wave proposal from the European Commission landed on Oct. 14th and cities, for better or worse, will be…
EXPERT TALKS is a new initiative from BUILD UP. In the form of face-to-face interviews, experts coming from all around Europe and covering the field of Energy Efficiency in buildings…
At SmartCitiesWorld’s inaugural advisory board meeting, Jeff Risom, chief innovation officer at Gehl Architects, explored how the public realm might be managed in the post-pandemic era. It is a stark…
In this unprecedented crisis, cities and transit agencies are taking action to address the most critical impacts of the coronavirus and ensure essential services operate in their communities. With all…
SmartCitiesWorld board member and Nokia’s Director of Future Cities Jacques Vermeulen on the importance of the Quintuple Helix approach. For future cities to deliver on quality of life, genuine collaboration…
Following the Nantes Innovation Forum, we have had the chance to interview Franzisca Beeken, policy officer energy transition at the municipality of Groningen. Your city is very engaged in energy…
SmartCitiesWorld talks to Piero Pelizzaro, Chief Resilience Officer of Milan, about the city’s digital transition, urban forests and the ongoing woes of a football fan. Milan’s plans to broaden its…
On the 16th of July 2020, the REMOURBAN project ended. As a MAKING-CITY sister project, access here the recorded version of this event and topics covered: The role of cities…
By combining 3 levels with gamified features supporting peer-to-peer behavioural-based incentives, the NRG2peers platform targets global energy and CO2 emission savings at community level, and investment in sustainable energy in…